If you are here trying to find out the VIN number of someone, maybe a you were involved in an accident or you saw something suspicious and want to find out, who the car belongs to. Then you are in the right place.

In just a moment, we will reveal if you as a private individual could find out who owns a car by it’s VIN number.

To cut straight to the chase, no! you can not find out who owns a car by it’s VIN number. There are other information that you can find out from this VIN, but not the owner. Plus there are ways to find about owner of the car, do read on.

Keep reading to find out why this is so and why someone can not find the owner of the car by simply looking up it’s VIN number.

What formation does a VIN number provide?

The build, make, model and original paint color is the only thing that is recorded onto this digit identification, namely the VIN number.

Apart from that the other things which can be used found out using this identification, is how regularly the servicing schedule on the car was followed and also if the car was involved in an accident.

Although the VIN number cannot reveal the current owner of the vehicle, it can however, show the number of owners this car has had in it’s lifetime.

It can be used to get insurance quotes and car fax reports.

The registration information of a vehicle can be made available only to those in need and will only be accessed through law enforcement, this is if the vehicle in question was or has been involved in an incident.

How about online VIN information provider?

There are websites online or services that promise to provide information on VIN number owners, stay well away from these sites, not only are they illegitimate, they defraud customers, plus, even if they do provide their customers with VIN numbers, this was done illegally, VIN information is protected under the law.

How to find out who owns a vehicle.

The only way to find out, as to who owns a car is to run the number plates, running the number plate involves searching the database of number plates. Only the police department and it’s officers have the privilege to run a number plate.

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